Board members serve a 3-year term. They are not required to be engaged in meal delivery, but many of our board members have started their volunteer services with us in that way. All board members must, however, be willing to ride along on a delivery route at least once so they can have the experience of interacting with clients to better understand the importance of our work. While driving a delivery route is not required, it also provides a great feedback system for the board to be able to measure our performance and constantly improve service to our clients. Board members may spend 4-10 hours a week on duties related to their board work. All board members will be expected to serve on at least one (1) of the standing committees or sub-committees established by the Executive Committee. In addition to the normal organization officer roles, task force assignments such as food service interface, interviewing clients, database management, fund raising, driver scheduling, and community outreach may be assigned by the board Chair to board members as needed.
Joe Scalzo
Chick Simonds
Holly Golden
Neal Fizpatrick
Vice Chair
Linda Harrell
Constance Martin-Witter
James Daniel
Venita Barnette
Mark Kriscunas
Christine Bluso
Executive Director
Jennifer Copeland
Volunteer Coordinator
Celeste Crago
Client Services Coordinator
Paula Slevin
Bluffton Site Coordinator