// Call anytime at: 843-802-0919

Dear Lowcountry Neighbor,

Five days a week we deliver hot, nutritious meals to those in our community who are homebound, elderly, or ill. During the recent COVID-19 crisis, we have averaged 500 meals per week, PLUS an additional frozen meal to get our neighbors-in-need through at least one weekend meal.

  • The parents of Joan (not her real name) are 88 and 82. They are in the early stages of dementia, are housebound, and cannot prepare meals for themselves. While Joan can get them dinner in the evenings, she needs someone to drop off a healthy meal at lunchtime, and to check they are doing ok. Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head provides her parents with a nutritious midday meal, and Joan with peace of mind.
  • John (not his real name) has had both legs amputated and lives alone with his dog. Friends used to take him to the grocery store on occasion, but during this crisis that has not been possible. The one meal a day he gets from Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head has been, according to him, a “Godsend”.

These could be your neighbors, your friends, your family – and they are the kind of clients we serve every day. But we need your help, now more than ever!

Our all-volunteer drivers deliver to these clients 5 days a week, 52 weeks a year, even on holidays, during evacuations, and quarantines. We service all of Hilton Head and Bluffton, and we do so without any government funding. We rely solely on grants from the community and individual contributions.

Please consider helping us feed those who need us by “Adopting a Client”. We are committed to being good stewards of your generous contributions, by helping those who cannot provide for themselves.

With sincerest thanks from all of us on the Board,

Joe Scalzo, President

Nutrition Delivered

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