Here’s how you can get involved with Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head and make an impact.
Let Us Help You Volunteer Donate Pay for MealsOur local Meals on Wheels organization delivers prepared meals to senior citizens in Bluffton, Hilton Head Island, and Sun City who lack the capacity to cook food for themselves. Warm meals are provided five days a week, and we also make sure our clients are doing well as part of daily engagement with them.
Our meal program is the heartbeat of our non-profit organization. Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head relies on the dedication of volunteers to deliver a hot, nutritious and in some cases diet-specific (heart-healthy, diabetic, or pureed) food every weekday, 52 weeks a year, and even on some holidays. Our clients include anyone at least 60 years old, who needs assistance with meals, whether temporary or long term. A client’s annual income determines whether the service is free or available for a modest cost.
Two Laptops
Portable Projector
Projector Screen
To donate, contact our main office at 843-802-0919.
The board of directors of Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head announces that a waitlist for new clients was launched on Monday, June 24. This action is the result of unexpected growth to date in 2024 that far surpasses current funding.
"Our local Meals on Wheels relies 100% on grants and individual donations to support our meal program," explained Lili Coleman, executive director. "We need greater resources to sustain and grow services in the face of the rising aging population. The fact is that 12,000 Americans turn 60 every day and one in three Meals on Wheels programs across the United States have a wait list."
According to the 2022-2023 Benchmarks and Insights Executive Summary from MOW America released May 2024, nearly 99 percent of the members reported one or more challenges to serving meals to all seniors in their community who need them. Those challenges include food prices, funding, and recruiting and retaining volunteers. To meet these needs, local MOWs are identifying other community resources and partnerships to help fund the cost of meals, tapping into reserves to cover increased costs and adding seniors to waitlists.
"We are also creating a guide to determine eligibility for meals," said Joe Scalzo, chair of MOW Bluffton-Hilton Head. We want to be consistent when determining where a client is placed on the waiting list, and we are following best practices from other Meals on Wheels chapters across the country." Scalzo did state that emergency situations will be given immediate consideration.
Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head's staff and volunteers have been serving the local community since 1979 and this is the first and only time a wait list has been initiated. MOW does not receive any state or federal funding for the local meal program and the current monthly meal costs exceed $30,000. This reflects a +200 percent growth rate in the past two years.
For more information about the program, please contact the executive director at 843-802-0919 or email
Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head is a member of Meals on Wheels, America and a United Way agency.
Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head enhances the quality of life of homebound individuals and seniors in our community by providing nutritious meals, personal interaction and independence. Meals on Wheels, Bluffton-Hilton Head is wholly dependent upon contributions from local charities, foundations and agencies, service organizations, corporate sponsors, churches and individuals. We need all of this support to provide our services. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution.
Meals Menu Locations Served Request MealsGive us 90-120 minutes, and you will help deliver more than a meal: you will deliver hope and independence.
Become a Driver Volunteer Driver ApplicationIt’s amazing what just $7.50 can do! That amount alone feeds a hot meal to an individual.
Donate TodayPlease consider helping us feed those who need us by “Adopting a Client”. We are committed to being good stewards of your generous contributions, by helping those who cannot provide for themselves.
Adopt a Client TodayOur Adopt-a-Route program provides the opportunity to sponsor one of our meal delivery routes, bringing hundreds of meals to residents in Bluffton and Hilton Head.
Adopt a Route TodayWe deliver to clients on Hilton Head Island, Bluffton and Surrounding Area.
To request meal deliveries, please either call us at 843-802-0919 or fill in the convenient form below.